
“Aboriginal Law, Reconciliation”, a Presentation by Me Renée Dupuis

On March 14th 2016, the Research Chair in Legal Pluralism and Comparative Law had the pleasure of welcoming a special guest – Me Renée Dupuis (law, 1972) – in the context of a discussion on aboriginal law and reconciliation.

A great defender of social justice, Me Dupuis is without a doubt the only lawyer in Québec to have inspired a hip-hop rhyme! Listen to the song La paix des braves. To the rhythm of drums, the Québécois group Loco Locass and Algonquin rapper Samian touch upon her arguments to inspire reconciliation between Francophones and First Nations: “Pas de taxe, on te plume pas, on te préserve dans l’alcool, on te fume dans le tabac / J’appelle ça de la taxidermie – de la quoi ? – parles-en à Renée Dupuis-Morency…”.

Me Dupuis is deserving of this unusual homage. She has devoted her career as a lawyer to defend First Nations rights. During her six-year tenure as President of the Indian Specific Claims Commission, she has contributed to the transformation of this federal institution in an independent tribunal. Indeed, she is partly responsible for enabling our nation’s first inhabitants to submit claims to a body endowed with executive power since October 2008.

Me Dupuis is currently Vice-President of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse. She was appointed a member of the Order of Canada in 2005. In June 2012, Me Dupuis was awarded the Quebec Bar Medal (the Bar’s highest honour) and received an honorary doctorate of law from Laval University.