Fournier, Pascale, Mariages musulmans, tribunaux d’Occident : les transplantations juridiques et le regard du droit (Les Presses de Sciences Po: Paris, 2013), pp 302.
Fournier, Pascale (co-éditrice avec Valérie Amiraux), « ‘Illegal’ Covering: Comparative Perspectives on Legal and Social Discourses on Religious Diversity », (2013) 19(6) Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, pp 689-806.
Fournier, Pascale (éditrice invitée), « Les crimes d’honneur », (2012) 16(2) Revue canadienne de droit pénal, pp 103-246.
Fournier, Pascale, Muslim Marriage in Western Courts: Lost in Transplantation, (Ashgate Publishing : Surrey, 2010), pp 228.
Recensions :
- Nielsen, Jørgen S., (2013) 24(4) Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, pp 394-395.
- Selby, Jennifer A., (2013) 7(2) Contemporary Islam, pp 255–257.
- Grant, Isabel, (2013) Equality Jotwell : The Journal of Things We Like (Lots).
- Grillo, Ralph, (2012) 38(4) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp 708-709.
- Idriss, Mohammad Mazher, (2011) 6(2) Religion and Human Rights, pp 195-198.
- Menski, Werner, (2011) 25(1) Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, pp 84-86.
- Beaman, Lori, G., (2011) 26(3) Canadian Journal of Law and Society, pp 665-666.
- Kruiniger, Pauline, (2011) 18(4) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, pp 563-573.
- Manjoo, Faizal, (2011) 31(4) The Muslim World Book Review, pp 17-18.