Interview on Radio-Canada on Religious Law and the Book Mariages musulmans, tribunaux d’Occident
Pascale Fournier was interviewed by Radio-Canada radio host Michel C. Auger on November 19th, on the impact of religious laws on judicial decisions in Canada and other Western countries. Professor Fournier was promoting her book, Mariages musulmans, tribunaux d’Occident, recently published by Sciences Po Press, Paris. This book, which will be available in Canadian bookstores as of early December 2013, analyzes the reception of Muslim family law in Germany, Canada, the United States and France, and its impact on women’s rights.
In the interview, Professor Fournier explains how Canadian law often forces judges to take into account religious and Islamic legal rules. In so doing, she sheds light on a little-known but crucial issue.
Click here to listen to the interview (at 15h45).