From  Newfoundland to the North West Territories…

From Newfoundland to the North West Territories…

[24-May-15 20:42:44]
Professor Fournier is currently taking part in the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference ! On May 22nd 2015, participants, who were chosen nation-wide through a...
Pascale Fournier publishes « Voiles/Voiler »

Pascale Fournier publishes « Voiles/Voiler »

[12-May-15 16:30:00]
Professor Fournier contributes to a major collective work titled “L’accommodement de la diversité religieuse“, which brings together French, Belgian and Canadian authors under the direction...


Pascale Fournier authors three academic publications

Pascale Fournier authors three academic publications

[13-May-14 18:07:33]
Pascale Fournier recently authored three chapters in different academic books, all to be published this summer. While these three contributions pertain to minority women’s religious...