Fournier, Pascale (co author), “60 chercheurs universitaires pour la laïcité, contre le Projet de loi 60“, Factum submitted to the Parliamentary Committee on Bill 60, National Assembly of Quebec, December 2013, reproduced in “Les Cahiers de la CREQC (2) – Mars 2014”.
Fournier, Pascale, “So-called Honour Crimes and the Sentencing Regime in Canada”, National Judicial Institute, (N.J.I.: Ottawa, 2011), pp 24.
Fournier, Pascale, “Les crimes d’honneur au Canada et le régime de détermination de la peine”, Institut national de la magistrature, (I.N.M.: Ottawa, 2011), pp 26.
Fournier, Pascale, “The Relationship between Gender and Islamic Law: a Comparative Study of Malaysia, Nigeria, Tunisia and Egypt”, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP: New York City, 2008), pp 50.
Fournier, Pascale, “The Applicability of Sharia/Muslim Law in Western Liberal States”, Canadian Council of Muslim Women (2004), pp 26.