
Rights and Freedoms: religious diversity and harmonious « vivre-ensemble » with Mindy Pollack

Mindy PollackOn February 1st 2018, the Research Chair in Legal Pluralism and Comparative Law will welcome Mindy Pollack, the first Hassidic Jewish woman to be elected as a municipal councillor in Montreal. In the context of the famous Supreme Court of Canada Amselem case heard in 2004, Mindy Pollack will share her perspective on multiculturalism without gettoisation and harmonious vivre ensemble in a democratic space. In Amselem, the Court was deciding whether a prohibition set by the syndicate of co-owners to construct or alter communal areas of the co-owned building was infringing upon the freedom of religion of Orthodox Jews who wished to build succahs on their balconies. The Court decided that the declaration of ownership was indeed discriminatory, and in doing so, promoted a vision of harmonious living together in a multicultural society.

Born Montreal, Mindy Pollak is a Hasidic Jew and strongly believes in good neighborly relations between citizens. As an elected member of Project Montreal, she wants to make a difference and really bring change to her neighborhood of Outremont, which she cherishes dearly. She co-founded the Friends of Hutchison Street, an association created during the referendum held to block a synagogue renovation project on this street. Since then, the Friends of Hutchison Street participated in the Days of Good Neighbors several times (on St. Viateur) and held two public meetings to create positive relationships between the communities of Outremont. Prior to her election, Ms. Pollak also sat as a citizen on the Committee on inter-community relations in Outremont. This committee evaluates and makes recommendations to the various stakeholders of the administration.

Faculty of Law, Fauteux 302, at 1pm.

57 Louis-Pasteur Street
Fauteux Hall
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1N 6N5

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