Pascale Fournier is active in multiple social and community organizations in Québec and nationally.

For example, Professor Fournier has participated in the 2015 Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference, in the context of which she had the opportunity to visit First Nations communities located in the North West Territories and to reflect on the urgent needs of their people, particularly aboriginal women experiencing violence. This initiative, led by Governor General David Johnston, has transformed her conception of Canadian Law, specifically as it relates to the immediate and imperative need to respond adequately to the demands of First Nations Peoples and to raise awareness of the social dilemmas they face.

Since September 2015, Professor Fournier sits on the Executive Committee for Québec and was chosen by her peers to be Coordinator of study visits “Québec 1 – Montréal and regions” for the 2017 Conference. In the context of this mandate, Professor Fournier supports the Governor General in his efforts to broaden the perspectives of future leaders from the private, public and union sectors and to incentivize them to positively and actively contribute to Canadian society’s general welfare.

Moreover, Professor Fournier has been a member of the executive committees of various not-for-profit organisations, including Canada World Youth alongside the late Senator Jacques Hébert (2003-2010), the Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation for education in the context of poverty (2004-2014, with the exception of 2011) and Camp Amy Molson for children in need (2014-2015). Professor Fournier has also been the spokesperson for the Fondation du Cégep Garneau’s financial campaign in 2009-2012 and is a member of the Board of Governors of the Fondation du Barreau du Québec. Professor Fournier is a former grand holder of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Fulbright foundations and she remains an active member of both institutions. Professor Fournier also contributes to her community by giving conferences on her subjects of expertise for civil society organizations such as religious groups, feminist associations, charitable organizations and museums.

Professor Fournier shares her passion for community engagement with her husband and their three sons, Charles, Pierre, and Henry. In 2015, the Fournier-Milton brothers débuted their store Le Pommier, in support of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. With assistance from their grand-mother Bala, they have raised $775 towards cancer research – triple their original objective – by selling delicious apple pies baked with love.

Pascale Fournier with Jacques Hébert, founder of Canada World Youth, in Cuba

Teaching a course on the “International Law of Gender” at the Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques of the Université d’État d’Haïti in 2007

During a course taught at the Institute for Women’s Studies and Research in Tehran, Iran

Links to organizations active in the community:

Social and Community Engagement

Since 10/2014 

    • CAMP AMY MOLSON, Montréal (Québec, Canada). Member of the Board of Directors 


    • FONDATION PAUL GÉRIN-LAJOIE, Montréal (Québec, Canada). Member of the Board of Directors & President of the Recruiting Committee

Since 01/2010 

    • FONDATION DU BARREAU DU QUÉBEC, Montréal (Québec, Canada). Member of the Board of Governors 



    • CANADA WORLD YOUTH, Montréal (Québec, Canada). Member of the Board of Directors


    • THE NATIONAL NETWORK ON ENVIRONMENTS AND WOMEN’S HEALTH Toronto (Ontario, Canada). Member of the Board of Directors


    • UNIVERSITÉ D’ÉTAT D’HAÏTI, Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques (FDSE), Port-au-Prince (Haïti). “International Law of Gender”, Teaching Excellence Award awarded by the university (2007)


    • INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN’S STUDIES AND RESEARCH, Tehran (Iran). Visiting Professor, Short Course on Women’s Studies 


    • DIRECT ACTION, Harvard Law School, Cambridge (Mass.) & Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Project Leader, Field mission by Harvard Law students to Haiti elementary schools 


    • ADALAH, THE LEGAL CENTER FOR ARAB MINORITY RIGHTS IN ISRAEL Legal Researcher / Discrimination as experienced by Palestinian women 


    • CANADA WORLD YOUTH, Montréal (Québec, Canada). Participant in an exchange program : Moncton/Canada—Ismaïlia, Egypt

Contributions Presented to the General Public

“Mariages religieux, mondialisation et femmes en Occident sous la loupe du pluralisme juridique”, Book Launch Event for Mariages musulmans, tribunaux d’Occident, University of Ottawa, Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), 11/19/2013

“La religion dans les institutions publiques”, Dieu(x) modes d’emploi: découvrir et débattre, Série de débats publics, Canadian Museum of Civilization, (Ottawa, Ontario), 03/01/2012

« L’importance du Pro Bono, assise de la justice sociale » (avec Pascal McDougall & Anne Dagenais), Launch of the national network for pro bono students, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, 09/14/2011

« Les mariages religieux et la burqa au cœur de l’Occident séculier », Retraite du personnel administratif, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, 06/10/2011

"Canada et le monde", Trudeau Foundation & Canada World Youth: Jacques Hébert: sa vie et son œuvre, Animation de la remise des prix Citoyens du monde Jacques-Hébert, McGill Faculty Club, Montréal (Québec, Canada), 12/08/2008

"Sharia et droits des femmes : quels enjeux?", Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) et la Fédération des femmes du Québec, Montréal (Québec, Canada), 03/17/2005

"Tribunal islamique et femmes musulmanes : une difficile rencontre?" (Guest speaker: International day of the Woman 2005), L’Université du troisième âge en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda (Québec, Canada), 03/10/2005

"Tribunal islamique et femmes musulmanes : une difficile rencontre?" Condition Féminine, Ministère des Transports du Québec,  International day of the Woman 2005, Montréal, (Québec, Canada), 03/07/2005

"Tribunal Islamique, voile à l’école, droits des femmes : nos institutions doivent-elles tenir compte des préceptes de l’Islam?" Musée de la Civilisation, Participe Présent:, Québec (Québec, Canada), 01/10/2005

"Religion and Revolution: Towards a New Conception of the Division of Religion/State in a Multicultural Society", Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation’s Excellence Awards Symposium: "Think Again 2004: Revolution/Evolution", Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), 09/17/2004

"Interpreting Justice: Language, Culture, and Minority Groups", Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation’s Excellence Awards Symposium: "Think Again 2002: Exploring New Paths", Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), 09/27-28/2002

"Arab Women and Gender Equality: Toward the Redefinition of Family Law, Crimes of Honor, and Female Genital Mutilation", International Rotary Club of Alexandria, Alexandria (Egypt), 02/05/1999

Contributions made to Non-Profit Organizations

“Droit musulman, femmes et justice sociale”, Book Launch Event for Mariages musulmans, tribunaux d’Occident and 10th Anniversary of the Trudeau Foundation, Grande Bibliothèque, Montréal (Québec, Canada), 11/20/2013

“Divorce religieux juif et divorce civil: une approche comparative”, Les femmes et le judaïsme dans le monde contemporain, ALEPH- le Centre d’Etudes Juives Contemporaines (CSUQ), Montréal (Québec, Canada), 11/04/2012

Droits des femmes et égalité des sexes dans la coopération canadienne : défis et perspectives (Chair), AQOCI and Fondation Walter & Duncan Gordon, Montréal (Québec, Canada), 01/19-20/2009

“Muslim Women and Constitutional Liberal States: Exclusion, Assimilation or Integration?”, Carrefour Culturel Sésame de Québec, Journée internationale de la femme 2004, Université Laval (Québec City, Québec), 03/10/2004                  

"Table des controverses: Exit la religion dans la société d’aujourd’hui?" Les Journées Alternatives, "De l’action locale à la citoyenneté mondiale", Alternatives, Montréal (Québec, Canada), 09/10/2005

“Multiculturalism in Canadian and American societies”, American Association of University Women, Taunton, MA (USA), 12/07/2002                

“Islam, Women, and Multicultural States”, American Association of University Women Annual Dinner, Boxford (MA, USA), 05/02/2002             

“International Volunteering: Looking Ahead”, Canadian International Volunteer Coalition Symposium (Opening Speaker on Canada's contribution to sustainable human development), Montreal, Québec (Canada), 10/16/2001